Effortless Affiliate Program
Creating great content takes time. Monetizing it should be easy.
Our exclusive platform gives food & lifestyle content makers a set-and-forget way to drive revenue by automatically inserting high quality affiliate links into your content.

Existing affiliate programs are too much effort.
- Manual copy-pasting of links.
- Older content not monetized.
- Links can break over time.

World Spice’s exclusive affiliate program is the easiest on the web.
- Embed our code once.
- Our platform automatically turns text in your content (where you allow) into revenue-generating affiliate links:
- Product names, like Shawarma Spice.
- Category names, like Asian Spices.
- You can create custom keyword combinations, too.
- Links are instantly created on past, present, and future content.
How It Works
- Sign up here, and for a free affiliate account.
- We’ll set everything up. You wait!
- Install our single line of code on to your site. It’s just like installing Google Analytics or Facebook’s pixel.
- Our affiliate tool handles reporting, monthly payments, tracking, and sales attribution.
Works with almost any CMS or website platform.

And dozens more, including custom sites and tools.
See It In Action

There's More...
- Permanent Short link: worldspice.com/YOURNAME links to our homepage, giving affiliate commissions. Easy to use in social media photos & videos, and podcasts.
- Free content: you can use World Spice photos & recipes on your site so long as our widget is active on your pages
- Free to participate.
- Competitive commissions.
- Low risk: There’s no commitment. Just remove our code, and the links are gone.
- You can still manually copy-paste our affiliate links when desired. Great for email newsletters!

You guys really do make it seamless, I love it!